Carecore provides high quality accommodation and equally high-quality support to Looked after children, care leavers, mother and baby, aged 16+ across London and outside of London. We are committed to respecting and supporting diverse young people to build independence skills, develop and grow so that they are enabled to reach their full potential in the safe environments that we provide.

Safe Environment

We understand that having a safe environment is pivotal to having a positive exit from care. Our services were developed to deliver, accommodation, subsistence, care and support, safeguarding, set boundaries, tasks, rules and proportional consequences in order to develop young people’s life skills and promote independence.

We are committed to working efficiently and effectively with Local Authorities, agencies and other organisations to protect and develop looked after or leaving care young people. Providing a seamless transition and support services for young people informed by professionals and delivered by qualified, trained staff at every level of the organisation to achieve the best outcomes for young people who engage with our services.

Statement of Purpose


To safeguard and promote the welfare of each young person


Provision of consistent, well trained professionals and reliable support staff


Provision of high-quality accommodation with the environment and facilities for young people to develop physically, psychologically, independently and socially


Ensuring that all key areas of the young person support plans is addressed


Listen to and respond to the young people’s views, opinions and struggles


Ensuring their individual rights are respected


Delivery of non-discriminatory, non-patronising and professional services


To facilitate positive experiences


To ensure policies and procedures are in place and reviewed annually to improve and enhance our services in accordance to current legislation and laws